Inspiration video’s for class.

  1. Simple Acts of Kindness

An idea for students or staff is to write out one act of kindness for either themselves or others for a week. A nice YouTube link to go with this activity is : (Part 1) :

2. Embrace the Shake

A Ted Talk to inspire students and staff that although Covid has brought many twist and turns in our lives, it is possible to find the positives. Embrace the Shake:

3. Virtual hug

Adam captured the nation’s heart on the Late Late Toy Show. With An Post starting the 2 free postcards again this week, this is a nice reminder to students to send the postcards to one another or to loved ones they cannot visit. The Late Late show (Virtual Hug):

4. 5 minute meditation.

Students and staff alike have increased screen time and are clicking from one class to another. One way to start or end a class is to share this 5 minute meditation with your class. It can serve as a purpose to give you 5 minutes to get ready for class or 5 minutes to breathe. 5 minute meditation :

Form Tutor/Religion/ SPHE Resources ~ 3 Meditation Apps for the classroom.

  • As October comes to the end and mid-term is in sight, most students and teachers are turning towards revision and studying for the upcoming house exams and Christmas exams.
  • For some students, there is the added stress of the UCAS applications due in at the end of October. With these exams and deadlines looming many students are finding it more and more difficult to find time to relax and exercise outdoors as the evenings become shorter.
  • One way which this can be combated is through meditation. It is a good way for students to relax, focus their minds and take time for themselves amongst their busy schedule. 

Below are 3 popular meditation apps being used in the classroom.

  1. is a free app that can be download or accessed via their website Highly recommend resource for any classroom, especially even to have background music or sounds to focus students. It has a wide range of features making it ideal for the classroom. Additionally it has a wide variety of sensory varieties for students – audio listeners can listen to the guided meditation, those who are more sensory can watching the changing background and foreground of each meditation.
  2. Meditation Timer Pro. Though this is an app you have to pay for and there is plenty of free alternatives for people to download and use, it is an app which is worth paying for. The main selling feature of this app is it allowed you to customize each session by giving you the choice to set how long the meditation is for.
  3. Smiling Mind. Smiling Mind is a highly recommend app which can be seen used by many different people and talked about by many different people. This app is excellent as it was designed with the purpose to increase happiness and compassion in the world one day at a time.

Religion Resource ~ Religion e-books

Researching for lessons, I came across a lot of Religion books which are now available in e-form and online.

A few examples of these online books are:

  • Religion Living is now available for Ipads.
  • A question of Faith 3rd Edition

Why use these ebooks?

  • These two online  religious education textbooks are both easy to use in the classroom and work closely with the curriculum – whether your class is exam or non-exam.
  • Furthermore, due to these textbooks being online they are packed with interactive resources and handouts with compliment the textbooks.
  • These handouts are ideal when revising over a topic or trying to learn a new key term.
  • Teaching tips: These online resources and e-books have many links and tips to resources which can be used in the classroom. They also have teacher notes and are always helpful.

We never stop learning thus it’s exciting to see how these e-books will be used in the classroom in the future.

Religion Resource ~ Inspirational stories for religion class ~ Stephaine Kurlow.

Recently, as part of one module – we had to look at religious stories and how they are portrayed in the media.

Though the module has ended one story which has since caught my eye and attention is Stephanie Kurlow, a 14 year old from Australia who is wishes to become the first Muslim Hijab Ballerina.


Why this news report caught my attention was down to Stephanie dedication to become a ballet dancer despite the difficulties encountered while wearing her hijab.  The dedication involved in perfecting ballet is one of awe.

Seeing how even from the above picture how physically demanding ballet is – it’s inspiring to see how people can love their passion despite the hardships involved.

Students are currently preparing and undertaking their mocks. Additionally, the students not in examination years are preparing for their next major exams – summer.

While reflecting on the dedication and passion of ballet dancers – it is good to remind students similar to ballet dancers to do a little everyday. This means going over topics which may not have been revised in a while.

motivation 8




Religion Resource ~ Short New Religious Movements Documentary. Married to the Moonies ~ BBC.

Below is a link to the documentary “Married to the Moonies” by BCC. It is based on the New Religious Movement the Unification Church, who are also referred to as the Moonies, due to their founders Sun Kung Moon name. A good introduction documentary for teaching New Religious Movements at Senior Cycle.

Powerpoint on New Religious Movements: NRMs powerpoint

Religion Resource ~ Morals.

A great teaching resource for morals is the WWYD series. What would you do  (WWYD) is an American newsmagazine and situational hidden camera television programme that has been broadcast on ABC since February 26, 2008. It is hosted by news correspondent John Quiñones.

The program features actors acting out scenes of conflict or illegal activity in public settings while hidden cameras videotape the scene, and the focus is on whether or not bystanders intervene, and how. Variations are also usually included, such as changing the genders, the races or the clothing of the actors performing the scene, to see if bystanders react differently. Quiñones appears at the end of each scenario to interview bystanders and witnesses about their reactions.

As the experiment goes on, psychology professors, teachers, or club members watch and discuss the video with Quiñones, explaining and making inferences on the bystanders’ reactions.

How does this tie into Morals?

First of all look at the Definition of Morals: concerned with or relating to human behaviour, especially the distinction between good and bad or right and wrong behaviour: moral sense. 2. adhering to conventionally accepted standards of conduct. 3. based on a sense of right and wrong according to conscience: moral courage, moral law.

How does this relate to the Leaving Certificate Curriculum aims?

What would you do ties into these LC Religious Education aims:

  • The general aim of education is to contribute towards the development of all aspects of the individual, including aesthetic, creative, critical, cultural, emotional, expressive, intellectual, for personal and home life, for working life, for living in the community and for leisure.
  • Additionally, it also ties into All Leaving Certificate programmes, in contributing to a high quality education, emphasise the importance of : self-directed learning and independent thought, a spirit of inquiry, critical thinking, problem solving, self-reliance, initiative and enterprise, preparation for further education, for adult and working life and lifelong learning as it promotes students to become aware of the global world in which they are living in today and how they interact with the world around them is done through Morals.

Also, WWYD raises topical and current issues which are in the media which the students can relate to. This can promote critical thinking and engaging responses from students on topics which require personal language in an everyday situation. (Ties into to examine some understandings of ‘morality’ and the implication of these understandings for personal decision-making and to identify the elements and context of a moral decision.)

Why use WWYD in the classroom in regards to Technology (Web 2.0 Tool)

WWYD is a viewed by the students through a web 2.0 tool – YouTube. This is incorporating and expanding students minds as to how they view short clips online – social online awareness.

Additionally, it highlights critical thinking and moral judgement to students to never judge a book by its cover either – as it’s revealed that each scenario those in the video are witnesses to are set up so to speak.

Other resources to go with some WYYD videos.

Religion Resource ~ What is Gamelan music?

Slight change from the 2.0 Web tools blogs. Today, I was fortunate enough to organize an interview for my class with someone who plays the Gamelan. This was a cross circular event with both the religion and music department. Leaving the students transcript below for anyone curious to incorporate it into their lessons. It also allowed students to practice their communication skills.


*Please note names are published used due to GDPR.

What is Gamelan?

Gamelan is a type of music from Indonesia that  is from a particular island from javanese, central Javenes. It’s a very specific type of music as its regional music.

It’s played on a percussive instrument but is tuned. To a western ideology its gongs and xylophones but actually it’s tuned percussion played with mallets and gongs


The music is played by an orchestra (group of musicians) but is usually played for puppets.

Did you say puppets?

Yes, wayang (puppet show) is used for ritual and ceremonies and the gamelan accompanies.

Wow. Can you tell us anything more about the Gamelan?

Each set is made specifically thus no two Gamelans are tuned the same. Also, each Gamelan has its own birthday.

You cannot wear shoes when playing the Gamelan as you have to show a huge amount of respect due to the nature of each gamelan being unique.

How are Gamelan made?

Gamelan are made by people who are trained in hand carving and decorating. This makes them even more special to play and listen to.

making of a Gamelan.jpg

They don’t use western tuning. They use a slender and pelog   tuning system – to tune the instrument.

You can play by pitch. It’s not what you would be used to. A Gong marks the end of each phrase so you have to pay attention to the Gong.

Is it difficult to play if you’re playing by pitch?

Yes, it’s difficult as it’s not 4 or 8 beats.  Arguably you are meant to be able to play every Gamelan – theoretically you should be able to change instruments and play any in the room as you learn by listening.

Nice when you play – you play as a group and pay attention to each person – listen to their part, your part. It can lead to improv sessions.

Generally men play the music and women do the puppets.

Why is this?

Songs are difficult for women to sing due to the fact that they traditionally they have been tuned for male voices thus this has created challenges for western countries learning Gamelan as female voices are higher.

How would you promote this in a school?

Learn music from a different culture, not only because it’s fun. Today’s world is changing and mixing. Though Gamelan doesn’t sound necessarily right on the ears due to different tuning systems – it can be a little flat or sharp. It’s also a good way to appreciate music of a different culture is to play it as it opens up people to understanding.

Caption for promoting this in a school could be “Not reject but embrace”.

If you wish to listen to Gamelan listen to this ensemble below. 

Religion Resource ~ Starbucks Christmas Cups. The annual debate of is Christmas too commercialized?

*Another airport run that sparked a blog about Religious Education. 

  • @HeathrowAirport there is a sense of Christmas arriving with the smell gingerbread flavored lattes filling the terminal. However, these latte’s were the cause of a lively debate on Monday Morning as we discussed Christmas in the modern era.
  • Starbucks have released their annual festive design. This year cup however has caused a lot of controversy and backlash! (if you have not heard about the this current debate read her before continuing on: cups.jpg
  • Christmas is one of the biggest commercial times of year and one of the most well known times of year for Religious reasons. Yet, there is always controversy around this time due to the cross over between commercial Christmas and yet it’s foundations lay in the foundation of Christianity. 
  • Is Christmas becoming too commercialized with the phrases xmas, happy holidays, christmas sales, christmas discounts? 
  • These are good starter questions for #LCRE classes and revision of the foundation of Christianity Section B, 

christmas tree terminal 5


Religion Resource ~ Is the growth of a global market promoting more inter-faith dialogue?

multifaith room

Though this may not be a Web 2.0 blog and focus more on Religious Education ~  please note this is a blog being typed on a laptop on a web 2.0 medium so it in a very round about way fits the assignment.

This blog is a little different from my usual educational blogs but I think in regards to Religious Education and globalization it is important to remember how interconnected the 21st century world is and how real life examples can be incorporated into lessons.

While searching for a coffee in @HeathrowAirport I came across the above sign “Multi-faith room”. I was curious to view and compare @Heathrowairport Multi-Faith Room to others I had been fortunate enough to visit during inter-faith meetings over the past couple of years. The experience I had in this room was vastly different to any other Multi-Faith room I had been in before.  Upon entering there was a very different atmosphere to any other Multi-Faith room I have every walked into. There was people chanting, meditating, praying, and silently reading. Though each person present in the room was worshipping in a different way the profound respect each person had was overpowering and touching to witness. No one person was practicing their faith in the same way, yet each person was connected to each other by being present in this room. To have at least five to six worships occurring at once was truly a rare moment. Reflection upon this experience, while teaching when asked to give an example of inter-faith dialogue and practice and this is the experience I will share with students as it shows how learning about different religions, beliefs, and cultures can allow for a space to exist in @Heathrowairport. Never underestimate the power of sharing your experiences with students and why it is important to learn about others faiths and beliefs.

Religion Resource ~ Modern twist on Christmas Music.

Christmas Music

Many schools are beginning to prepare their Christmas Carols.

If you’re starting to prepare and unsure of what could be used here a few suggestions you may find helpful.


If you have students who are interested in pitch perfect – maybe try and encourage them to do a Christmas acapella version of Christmas classics!

Additionally, this modern twist may attract some shy singers who don’t want the limelight. Also, it will spice up the usual Christmas Carol and give an interesting twist to those Christmas Concerts and Masses.